Healthy Kids Running Series is proud to announce HelloFresh as a major sponsor for our program in 2018. The international food company will help fund programs in the states of Texas, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Ohio.
HelloFresh is helping to solve meal preparation struggles for families everywhere. We all know that eating healthy can be hard, especially for families with more extracurricular activities than they care to count. With everyone running in different directions, it can be hard to shop for and cook your own meals, and resorting to fast food is often the consolation.
This is where HelloFresh enters. The company lets you custom design a meal plan that is delivered to your doorstep on a day of your choosing. Want a dinner for four, three nights a week, delivered on Tuesdays? HelloFresh has you covered. They even let you swap out recipes, skip weekly deliveries if your traveling, and cancel at any point and time.
The best part is that their recipes are easy to follow and come chalk full of high-quality ingredient sourced from local farms and co-ops. At HKRS, we love being healthy and active, but we know it can be hard to make the time with busy schedules. HelloFresh helps to take the chore out of cooking and keep families healthy.
Check out their website for more information and to set up an account today!Thank you for your support, HelloFresh!