Healthy Kids Running Series is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We heavily rely on both registration fees and business sponsors to supply our organization with the necessary income to allow us to provide new coordinators with all of the necessities to bring a race to their town, travel to new locations to map courses, and provide every coordinator with the best product in our market.
Becoming a partner and/or sponsor of Healthy Kids Running Series offers businesses both large and small a unique opportunity to reach parents and families on a personal level. Our partners have success assimilating their brand into our communities, developing personal relationships with our families and driving business back to their storefronts; all while positively changing the communities in which we live.
Sponsors receive a variety of benefits including the ability to provide small items like coupons for the race bags, recognition on social media and the individual location or main HKRS page, and logos on t-shirts, and the satisfaction of giving back to such an important program.
This spring, we have the ability to take sponsorships via our Healthy Kids Running Series Website! Check it out at http://dev.healthykidsrunningseries.org/get-involved/sponsor/ or if you have any questions please email our team at tamara@pattisonsportsgroup.com. Thank you!