I began coordinating for HKRS Marlton in 2014. This fall will be our 10th Series.
At that very first Series, I believe that we had 26 runners. Since then, we have grown to over 170, and we continue to grow at an astounding rate!
What makes this program so special to me is that my entire family is involved. My children have helped out weekly at every one of the races. We have always been big believers in giving back to our Community and what better way to do it than with youth sports?
The memories of these activities often stick with kids long into adulthood and often help to give them direction as they grow.
HKRS has become a Labor of Love for not only our family, but also for our group of volunteers that have given so much to the program. It can be a challenge to get everything perfect every week and every Series, but, at the end of the day, the smiles that we see on the children’s faces make it all worthwhile.
My favorite memories, like many coordinators I am sure, are from the children who really do not want to be there at first, but they persevere through to the end of the Series. When they cross the finishline in Week 5, they are thrilled with the accomplishment of finishing each race and the entire Series!
While each and every child is special to us, these kids are those that give us our favorite memories and the kids that keep us coming back for more!
The other piece is the families that return season after season. They have become our HKRS Family! A couple of the kids have actually graduated HKRS Running and have become Volunteers for us. That sense of community speaks volumes to the program.
All in all, this is an experience like no other!!
Geoff Rabinowitz is the long-time Community Coordinator for the Healthy Kids Marlton Series. He is a managing partner for Franchised New Balance Stores in Southern New Jersey and Greater Philadelphia. He is a father of five, and a husband, as well as being involved in numerous other activities to benefit his community including coaching the Philadelhpia Flyers Youth Special Needs Ice Hockey Team. Thanks for sharing your experiences, Geoff!!