It seems like years ago, but I remember when I had my two sons, Jackson and Brent, before my youngest, Nick, was even born. Life was busy. I was continuously on the go and I loved it, but I craved a moment of solitude. My routine included coming home after work, turning on Baby Einstein for the boys and cooking dinner while enjoying my small moment of silence. As a parent, I felt like I was doing something selfish. In search for that moment of solitude, I stifled my kids from being kids. They went from running around the house, causing a ruckus, and peering over my shoulder as I made chicken chili for dinner, to sitting still in front of a big screen with a dancing puppet. This routine, although it met my needs, had to change.
So, life stayed busy but the routine changed. We came home from work and pre-school, I dusted off the wagon in the shed, placed the boys in the wagon and walked them to the park. My boys went from sitting in front of the television watching Baby Einstein, to running around the park being kids. The shift from selfishly cooking in silence to sharing healthy smiles in the park changed our lives.
Healthy Kids Running Series started ten years ago to get more kids active. Looking back, I can only imagine where my kids would be if I kept them in front of that television. Life would have been different and our bond would have been affected. My sons and I cherish the fun we had in the park together to this day.
I live with the belief that the energy you give into the world, is the energy you get back. I ran the first HKRS Series in West Chester for years before opening the same energy to Community Coordinators across the country. Every Coordinator who runs a Series works hard to share smiles and health with not only their own kids, but the kids in their community. We ask you to help us in spreading these smiles and a healthy lifestyle!
On #GivingTuesday, December 3rd, 2019, HKRS is asking you to sponsor a child by donating $35. This allows a kid to run for five weeks. Five weeks of fun, smiles, time away from screens and lasting memories with their families.