Community Coordinator Spotlight: Elizabeth Coccia & Lauren Keating

Elizabeth Coccia & Lauren Keating – HKRS East Brunswick, NJ

How many seasons have you been a Community Coordinator?

Elizabeth: This is my 9th season as a coordinator but my kids have been running since Fall 2018

Lauren: For nine seasons, starting in 2020. However, my son started running with the program in 2019 and my daughter has been either on the sidelines or competing since birth! 

What’s a great mission moment you’ve experienced as a Coordinator?

Elizabeth: #1: When one of our younger runners fell at the finish line, his brother jumped in and put our runner on his back and carried him across. #2. When my son, who shows no interest in competition, came out of nowhere with a sub-7 minute mile and blew my mind!

Lauren: There have been so many great moments I’ve witnessed throughout the seasons. There was once a boy who showed perseverance by finishing his race with just one sneaker! He lost his shoe somewhere on the course and didn’t let that stop him or even slow him down. He finished in the top of the pack for his race! We also have two top miler runners who finish either first or second each week. Instead of being jealous of whichever finishes first, these girls motivate each other during the race and are happy for each other no matter the outcome. It’s great to see such great sportsmanship! One of the best moments was watching a runner who raced with leg braces compete and do an amazing job each week. It was so inspiring to watch her, and was a great reminder that there is no goal too big to achieve. 

Why do you love Healthy Kids?

Elizabeth: I love Healthy Kids because it is a fun way to bring families together and promote a healthy and active lifestyle without the commitment of a full sports season. It is a fantastic way to introduce kids to running. Not only is running the foundation of most sports, but it is something you can do almost anywhere at any time. 

Lauren: As a parent, I was drawn to Healthy Kids because it was a great way to introduce my kids to running at such a young age. Being an avid runner at the time, it was a way my kids and I could share a love for a sport together. It became a family affair to go for runs. As a coordinator, this program is so fulfilling. I love being able to be a positive role model for kids. It’s my mission to show them that exercise can be fun, and while racing might mean putting in the hard work, the reward of finishing the race and finding that pride in yourself is so worth it.As a parent, I was drawn to Healthy Kids because it was a great way to introduce my kids to running at such a young age. Being an avid runner at the time, it was a way my kids and I could share a love for a sport together. It became a family affair to go for runs. As a coordinator, this program is so fulfilling. I love being able to be a positive role model for kids. It’s my mission to show them that exercise can be fun, and while racing might mean putting in the hard work, the reward of finishing the race and finding that pride in yourself is so worth it. 

What’s your goal for the local HKRS program / your community OR what was a goal you had when you first started as CCs, how did you accomplish that goal and how did you feel when you accomplished it?

Elizabeth: I think Lauren and I just wanted to bring it back to life after COVID. Our first reason, Fall 2020, we had to manage all the health and safety requirements, find a location that was open to the public, etc. and we only had 65 runners (you can check my math) but since then – we have regularly had over 100 runners each season. We were successful because we listened to the feedback from our families, made adjustments, and really provided good customer service.

Lauren: When we took over our chapter we were still in the pandemic. We had low turnouts our first season and set a goal to expand and make it an event worth coming to. We have grown so much, having so many families and sponsors return each season. I love being able to stop and chat with familiar faces on race day and feel a great sense of community within our chapter. I’m very proud to say I am an East Brunswick coordinator!

Fun Fact!

Elizabeth: I was a starting player on the women’s rugby team in college

Lauren: I am a health and fitness reporter, covering my beat for a decade! I also wrote a children’s book called Ready, Set Run that teaches toddlers about running.


Elizabeth: I could not have asked for a better partner in this than Lauren. A lot of our families are surprised to learn that we only met each other through the race series. We work SO well together and have been able to divide the roles and responsibilities perfectly! She is much better at getting the kids (especially the little ones) amped up and ready to go. She is our all time cheer leader and has much more patience than I do for all the starting line stuff. She also is a social media wizard – making posts for our sponsors, runner highlights, etc. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be able to manage all the behind the scenes (scoring, emails, MYLES stuff) with efficiency. I think part of this goes back to our goals. We not only wanted to grow our series from COVID, but do it in a way that worked for our community and for us.

Lauren: Liz and I took over as coordinators together without knowing each other, but both wanting our chapter to continue and to thrive for our kids and those in the community.  I’m so grateful to now call her a friend. And I couldn’t have asked for a better partner. We have made such a great team, being able to divide our roles and tasks evenly and based on our strengths. We really leaned on each other to make our chapter a success. Sadly, it’s her last season, but I will forever be grateful for Healthy Kids for allowing me the opportunity to get to know her and her wonderful family!



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