Kelly Bracetty – HKRS Bethlehem, PA
How many seasons have you been a Community Coordinator?
This Spring will be my 7th season as a Community Coordinator!
Tell us about yourself! What inspired you to join HKRS?
Growing up I needed to rely on metal leg braces when learning to walk. As I grew up, my nana, who raised me, told me “Don’t ever limit yourself.” So I gave running a chance, worked hard, and ended up not only running in high school but also competing in xc and track in college at East Stroudsburg University, setting a DII school record and qualifying for Nationals. Running has taught me so many life lessons and how to turn obstacles into opportunities that I knew one day I wanted to give back and give others the chance to discover running and lead an active, healthy lifestyle no matter what their backgrounds are or what trials they’ve faced. HKRS has allowed me to do just that!
What was your biggest success as a Coordinator (or favorite race day moment)?
I love making each race day as special as I can for the kids! Some of my favorite memories were last year for our Earth Day theme week, I ordered 300 real trees for the children to plant and gave one to each child as they crossed the finish line. Another was during Mental Health Awareness month, I made positive affirmation jars for each family so they could read a positive reminder every morning to start their day. Months later, I still receive emails from families telling me how much those positive affirmations have changed their child’s life.
What makes your community special?
I love being part of the Bethlehem PA community because of how supportive and kind our families and children are to each other! Parents cheer for each and every child, no matter what place they’re in, making them feel so special. It’s also common to see our kids who finish their race, actually jog back out on the course to encourage the other children still running. I am so proud to see their character shine each week!
What’s some advice you would like to share with fellow Community Coordinators?
Some advice for my fellow Community Coordinators: You make a bigger difference than you know. Kids won’t always remember what you did or what you said on race day but they’ll always remember how you made them feel. Keep changing lives!
Fun Fact?
Fun Fact-I am a high school Wellness/Fitness Instructor and I’ve been coaching distance runners from elementary to collegiate level for the past 24 years. I currently coach cross country and track at Parkland High School. This fall, during a practice at a local park, a man suddenly collapsed while jogging. I took immediate action and performed lifesaving CPR for several minutes to bring the man back to life. It turned out he suffered a major heart attack with a 95% blockage but is now fully recovered and even back to jogging again! Because of this event, I was encouraged to teach a CPR course where I work. A few weeks after teaching the course, one of my coworkers who I certified, came up to me and thanked me. It turns out he used those same CPR skills I taught him to save a life when a man collapsed in the locker room of a local YMCA. It was an incredible series of events that happened by paying it forward. I’d encourage everyone out there to take a CPR course because you truly never know when you might need to use it!