Healthy Kids Running Series – Runner Spotlight!

Each HKRS Series presents a Healthy Kid Award to the child who embodies the mission of Healthy Kids Running Series. In Peters Township, the Healthy Kid Award was presented to Wil. The Community Coordinator, Carey, wanted to recognize the spirit and enthusiasm he brought to the Series.  

Wil completed his seventh Healthy Kids Running Series this past Fall, but if you ask his mom Wil has been running since the time he could walk! Wil won first place for his division, the ¼ mile; however, he received the Healthy Kid Award because of his participation… in other races! During other races, spectators and fellow runners could find Wil cheering alongside runners,  encouraging kids to the finish line chute, and smiling the whole time. 

To mentally prepare himself for the race Wil said, “I just think about how fast the Delorean from ‘Back to the Future’ can go before it can make 88 miles per hour. Then it can go into the future”. Based off of his winning record, his pre-race pep talk does the trick! 

Wil’s love for running was contagious to those around him. Carey was moved by the effort and enthusiasm Wil brought to each and every race. It is a reminder to us all that Healthy Kids is about more than just winning. It fosters a sense of community where all are invited to try their best and encourage others to be their best. 

In the near future, Wil will be running at more Healthy Kids races and at some point he hopes to still be racing, but as a NASCAR driver. Thank you Wil and family for bringing your positivity and light to the Peters Township Healthy Kids Running Series.

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