Avery has always been an adventurer. Every chance she gets, she is outside, traveling with her family to a new place, trying out a new activity or sport. This has brought her to a variety of places, from the beaches of the Cayman Islands, to the ski slopes of Vermont.
But, in 2017, all this adventuring was brought to a halt in one moment. On the last ski weekend of the season, Avery and her family had traveled to Vermont for some of the best ski resorts in the country. On one of her runs, Avery took a nasty fall, and she immediately knew something was wrong.
She had broken her knee and torn her anterior cruciate ligament. She was reduced to a full leg cast and a wheelchair for the next eight weeks.
The path to recovery has been hard, with different leg braces and physical therapy sessions multiple times a week for months on end. Even after completing physical therapy, Avery did not quite feel herself.
That was when her strength and conditioning coach Philip Bazzini suggested that Avery try out Healthy Kids Running Series. Somewhat apprehensively, Avery signed up for the HKRS Cresskill, NJ Series this Spring.
Understandably, Avery was a bit nervous as the Series began. Anyone would have been after the trials of the past year. But, she finished the race the first week, and she was determined to return and improve. Each week she gained confidence and never lost that motivation and determination, crossing the line with a smile all five weeks.
Through her weekly runs, Avery has started to feel like her adventuresome self again, and running has started to feel natural. She even plans to return to skiing next winter! Who knows what other adventures are on the horizon, but we know they will be exciting!
Thanks for showing us what true determination and perseverance look like, Avery!! See you this fall!