Leaves falling, pumpkin everything, and apples! Fall is one of the best times of year to enjoy some of Mother Nature’s fast food, apples in every color!
Apples are a super easy way to get an extra kick of nutrition in your family’s diets. Apples pack a nutritional punch by providing 4 grams of soluble fiber with a minimal amount of calories (approximately 90 per piece). This wonder fruit also provides 14% of the daily recommended amount of immune boosting Vitamin C.
Snacking on apples can also aid in sports performance! Eating an apple about an hour before a workout can give you a kick of quercetin- an antioxidant that plays a vital role in oxygen absorption in the lungs. Studies have shown that people the eat apples or take quercetin supplements out perform in endurance activities compared to those who ingested a placebo.
In short, maybe your mom actually right when she told you “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!”.
Happy Fall!!
Jennings, K.-A. (2016). eatingwell.com. Retrieved from Eating Well : www.eatingwell.com, 19September2016