Aimee and Ryan Reed are launching their first series this spring in Cedar Park, Texas. They each bring deep running backgrounds to their program and are parents of two Healthy Kids who will be running in their program soon!
“Who are you?” What is your background with your family, community involvement, and running?
We are Aimee and Ryan Reed, and we live in Cedar Park, TX, a suburb of Austin, TX. We have 2 children – Ben 8 years old and Mila 5 years old. Ryan and I are both avid runners and run in local races when we have the time. We are Ohio State fans (deep in the heart of Texas), so one of our favorite races was The Ohio State 4 Miler we did this past Fall where you finish on the 50 yard line of the Horseshoe. We both have pretty much enjoyed running most of our lives. I grew up running Summer Track every summer as a kid all the way through high school. Ryan was a high school cross country runner, and now you can find him running Ladybird Lake in downtown Austin just about every day on his lunch hour. We both put an emphasis on staying active and fit for our health and being positive influences on our kids. Not to mention, I work for a running watch company and am the Brand Director for Soleus Running, so running is a big part of our lives.
Why did you become a Community Coordinator? What drew you to start a Healthy Kids Running Series?
We came across HKRS when we were searching for a running program to get our son, Ben into. There used to be a Cedar Park location, but it was no longer around, so we thought why not start it back up. Both of our kids have shown interest in running, so as runners ourselves, you can imagine how excited we are to share this joy of running with them and get them started. I think they are just as excited as we are to get HKRS going because they are ready to race!
How have you been impacted by starting a Series?
We don’t have a Series under our belt yet, but I am already anticipating the fun moments of seeing the smiles on these kiddos’ faces when they get to race.
If you would like to get in touch with Aimee and Ryan, you can reach them by email at: hkrscp@gmail.com.