Today’s Community Coordinator Profile comes from Miami, Florida, and the fun-loving leader of their race! We’d love to see the Healthy Kids Green wig catch on with all of our coordinators!
“Who are you?” What is your background with your family, community involvement, and running?
My Name is Nathalie, and I am a former try-athlete! Never did sports in my life until I went to cheer on my sister at her first triathlon. It was then I realized I am doing nothing to better my self after seeing all the ages of the women participating in the race. So, I decided to take on my first triathlon and soon after, I became addicted! Then life continued to happen and I was blessed with our first little girl and right after came the second one! Now, I can’t wait for them to start swimming and riding bikes to be able to start their triathlon career!!
Why did you become a Community Coordinator? What drew you to start a Healthy Kids Running Series?
I found out about HKRS through my daughter’s school. They had a class pet that was taken home each night by a different student, which then had to place pictures and write in the journal about their adventures. Reading through the pages, I noticed there was a race bib in there…I quickly looked up the race information and noticed there were no races in Miami Dade County. My oldest loves to run so I contacted HKRS and the lovely Tamara has been there from day 1! I became a coordinator to show my kids about community involvement. Yes they’re young but healthy habits and community service start early on!
But I wouldn’t be able to pull this off without the support from my family! They are the ones that are on and around the course helping everyone out! A big thank you goes out the “The Man with the Horns” – my husband Henry…without him….the shoe will not go on!
How have you been impacted by starting a Series?
I am floored by the community involvement – both by the kids that participate, the parents that bring them, and the volunteers that truly do the work to make it happen. We have gotten to watch kids beat personal bests and see their joy in that accomplishment, as well as learn how to enjoy healthy competition between competitors.