The Red Cross notes that more deaths occur from heat related issues than all other weather events. Make sure that you are keeping safe follow the rules!
- Plan ahead. Make sure that you have bottled water stashed in your car, backpack, purse, etc. Also, have your car serviced and always make sure that you have enough fuel- you certainly don’t want to get stuck!
- Check the weather. Pay attention to excessive heat warnings and watches and plan you day accordingly. Don’t plan a bunch of activities on a day when the temps are out of control!
- Dress cool. Wearing lighter colors can help to deflect heat rather than trapping it. Look for light colored cotton for maximum comfort.
- Stay hydrated. Waiting to drink water until you feel thirsty may mean that you have already entered dehydration territory. Be proactive and make sure that you are drinking water, sports drink, or juice throughout the day, not just at meal time.
Stay cool and safe out there!