At Healthy Kids Running Series our mission is to encourage an active healthy lifestyle in kids through a fun introduction to the sport of running. Our goal is always to get more kids running, and keep more kids running throughout their childhood.
One trend we have seen over the last 15 years of Healthy Kids Running Series is that there is a drop off in participation once kids get to middle school. We know that as kids get older they have more activities and school demands and may have less time for HKRS. And we also have a hunch that a lack of representation may be a factor as well. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Fewer middle schoolers are running, so fewer middle schoolers sign up, and so on. What can we do to encourage kids to stick with Healthy Kids once they get to middle school?
Answer: The HKRS Marathon Award!
Starting in 4th grade, HKRS runners compete in a full-mile race. Each Series is 5 weeks long, and there are two seasons a year, meaning those runners are racking up some serious miles (up to 10 a year!) As they continue with HKRS, they will accumulate even more miles, and eventually, sometime in middle school, complete a full marathon (26 miles) and earn the HKRS Marathon Award! A major accomplishment!
Any runner who completes the HKRS Marathon will be awarded:
✅ A special HKRS Marathon Award trophy with their name
✅ A long-sleeve HKRS Marathon Award t-shirt
✅ A special HKRS Marathon Award medal
✅ An HKRS Marathon Award certificate
✅ Shout-outs on social media

Our goal is to highlight our amazing middle school runners who have been showing up consistently season after season, so that other kids can see themselves reflected in their stories, and be inspired to continue running through middle school and beyond!
HKRS runners will track their mileage on the Marathon Award Running Log, including any miles they have run with HKRS in previous seasons (starting in 4th grade), as well as all miles going forward. When runners are close to 26 they can apply for the Marathon Award and we will make sure the award items arrive in time for the awards ceremony at the end of the season.
We are so excited to honor and celebrate the HKRS Marathon Award winners and we’d like to thank the USATF Foundation for sponsoring this program. If you’d like to help support this program, we set up a special fundraising page to help raise funds to offset the costs of the awards for these amazing runners! To donate, click here.