Are your kids excited for another season of Healthy Kids Running Series, but a little apprehensive about moving up in distance? Give them a great base to work from by getting started this winter. Here’s some advice for making it a family affair!
- Write a plan along with them. Running longer distances is not something that just happens. In order to run farther and faster, they will need to start with a gradual build up. Check out websites together, write a workout plan on a calendar, and display it somewhere that is easily accessible like on the fridge.
- Let your kid be in control. If they decide that they would rather have you ride along while they run or head out to the track, great! As long as they are moving that is what counts!
- Make them a priority! Hype up their race days, make a motivational sign, and bring your cowbell.
- Reward their efforts. If they keep up with the entire training plan reward them with a new pair of sneakers or colorful socks that they can rock at their races. Sometimes it is all about the journey and not just winning!