Community Coordinator Spotlight: Megan Joseph

Megan Joseph – HKRS Lima, OH

How many seasons have you been a Community Coordinator?

 2 Seasons, going into my 3rd!

Tell us about yourself! What inspired you to join HKRS?

As a lifelong runner, I thought this program would be perfect for our community! I’ve ran cross country for years, in grade school, highschool and then college. After college, I was an assistant coach for the high school/junior high cross country team at my alma mater. This program is not like anything else offered in our community and as a coach and recreational runner, I understand the importance of exercise for not only physical, but also mental health and confidence! Community involvement is extremely important to me, so to be able to bring such an amazing program to our community youth means the world and I hope to provide a positive space for their continued growth.

What is your biggest success as a Coordinator so far (or favorite race day moment) ? 

I would have to say seeing the kids improve season to season and watching their confidence grow, that’s a HUGE success to me! We try really hard also to involve the parents as much as the kids and all the positive feedback from the parents is reassurance of the success of the program.

What makes your community special? 

Our community is extremely intertwined with small businesses so seasons and race days are so special to have those businesses represent our program but also have us give back and represent them! Every season we get more and more involved with local businesses promoting health and fitness to the youth of our community and it feels like a giant family!

What is some advice you would like to share with fellow New Community Coordinators?

Make sure to leave yourself some time on race days to visit with the kids and families. I feel like sometimes I get so caught up in making everything run so perfect, the day flashes before me and I didn’t get to enjoy all the hard work we put into the day. It’s so fun meeting families and hearing stories of how their kids were positively impacted by the program and it makes the program feel more intimate! Making time building those relationships can help with marketing for future seasons too, when you see families out and about in the community, talking with them and having them spread the word to their friends. 

Fun Fact: 

I am training for an Ultra Marathon (50k) for the fall that runs right in line with my HKRS season! So I’ll be running roughly 30 miles on Saturday and then coordinating race day on Sunday so pray that I’ll be able to stand that day! 🙂 

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