Worried about your family meeting their hydration needs this summer?

No sweat! The GIANT Company Dietitians have tips and tricks to help everyone crush their goals with a splash of fruits and veggies!

These hydrating produce picks are at least 90% water and can easily be added to meal or snack time to help meet your daily fluid intake. 


  • Try it on the grill or in your next leafy green salad mixed with feta 
  • Let your kids use it as a base for a refreshing Watermelon Pizza


  • Beat the heat of a spicy dip by using cucumber as a chip
  • Switch up the flavors at your next picnic by serving Thai Mango and Cucumber Salad as a side 


  • Pair with peaches for a new sweet and savory take on salsa 
  • Present a pop of color at the summer dinner table with this Marinated Tomato Salad 


  • Chop and add to your macaroni salad for a crunchy bite
  • Have your kids upgrade the traditional “ants on the log” with these Celery Critters
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