The directions that we take in life should always start with this question: what do you believe in?
Personally, I believe in physical activity.
I believe that kids need to get outside.
I believe that healthy kids are ultimately happy kids.
I believe that nothing is for free, and I believe that working hard sometimes hurts.
I believe that youth sports help to instill these values.
What I find more often than not, is that people do not act on what they believe in, and instead choose the easier and more comfortable path. It is easier to be comfortable and static, but it takes a certain drive to better yourself on a daily basis. It is often easier to skip a work out or to eat the fun food, or to spend the weekend on the couch. The longer that these actions become normal, the stronger their presence in your routine.
Most of us are not elite athletes, and so it can take more motivation to produce results for ourselves. We all know the athletes who just have “it,” but I believe hard work, sacrifice and a little pain can overcome a lot of that “it” factor. But, I also believe it is OK and usually more important to just have fun when being active. I am a very competitive person by nature, but as I get older, I often enjoy just shooting hoops, going out for a run, or jumping on the bike. That feeling when you finish any type of physical activity is ultimately what I have found resonates the most. It never fails to improve your spirits.
My goal when I started Healthy Kids Running Series was simple: get kids active.
It did not matter what the activity was, but I chose running because of my positive experiences with the sport. If these kids can start to feel that sense of ‘fun’ that comes with physical activity, then they are more likely to stay active and learn discipline and the benefits of hard work and sacrifice.
I know that most of us grew up playing outside and it may sound crazy but let’s celebrate the fact that our kids are outside and having fun being active. Let’s keep this revolution going and instill that ‘Get Up & Go attitude’!
Jeff Long is the Founder and President of Healthy Kids Running Series