Staying Healthy Over the Holidays!

November and December can be some of the toughest months to keep up with your family’s exercise routines, but HKRS is here to help!

Wear comfortable shoes.  Wearing (or bringing along) a pair of sneakers to a family celebration is a great way to encourage exercise.  A 20 minute walk with the family dog or a short outside play session is a great way to break up your day and nobody will miss you for a few minutes! Take a break!

Use the weather to your advantage.  Is it snowing outside? Start a family snowball fight or pull the little ones around the block in a sled!

YouTube is your friend! Check out some exercise videos on YouTube that are family friendly and have everyone join in.  If for nothing else, at least it will be some comic relief!

Schedule in exercise over your travel time.  Give yourself an extra 15-30 minutes during your travels to get out of the car and go for a quick walk.  This will not only help to break up the trip! If you are flying, take a few minutes and explore the airport. Your legs will thank you on your flight!

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