Wow! You made it through your first (or second) week of races! Awesome. Your kid is learning the course, they feel comfortable running in a group, and maybe their time is improving from Spring or the year before….so what do you do next to encourage your child through the rest of the Series? Here’s a few tips:
Record their time (or place with the littles) on our awesome Weekly Running Record from our Kids Corner on the HKRS Website . You can print off this paper and hang it to your fridge so they have a visual of how they are improving week to week.
Encourage your kids to practice around your neighborhood, and run with them! Choose landmarks like a light post or fire hydrant and run point to point, and take a short break in between if necessary.
Keep an eye on your location’s Facebook page and share pics to your Series coordinator! We love getting new photos and it’s awesome when our families engage with our social media- and kids love seeing their action shots!
Allow your kids to choose their own racing outfit or special item. Have a little one that needs to wear a tiara while running? Awesome! We appreciate fashion. Your kid needs to wear their lucky sunglasses? No problem. They’re probably too cool for school. Make it fun and allow them to personalize their racing style!
Remind your kids that Healthy Kids Running Series is all about fun!! Trophies are nice, but does adult really still have a trophy that they won in grade school? Most likely not, but we will always have the memories of participating in a great event, having fun, and making a new friend!
We can’t wait to see you out on the course! Get Up and Go!