We are proud to announce a new partnership with Experience Life Magazine!
They are an award-winning whole-life health and fitness magazine dedicated to empowering people to become their healthiest selves.
Our missions to bring healthy lifestyles to our communities align closely in every capacity. Health is just as much about mental well-being as it is about physical.
Experience Life provides lots of helpful and enjoyable content to their readers. We are excited to share some of that content with our community. Please check out the following article as a teaser of more to come from Experience Life!
How To Encourage Activity-Averse Kids
Not every child is innately athletic, and the competitiveness of today’s youth sports can discourage middle-of-the-pack kids who, a couple of generations ago, would have made up the backbone of most school or Little League teams. This often leaves kids of average ability feeling there’s no place for them in sports — and, later in life, no place for them in the gym, yoga studio, or on the biking trail, either…Read More