Ready, Set… & They’re Off!

Posted on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 2:10 pm

In this day and age, where it is infinitely easier to grab dinner on the run from the closest drive-thru, enforcing healthy habits in our children – and ourselves! – can be the last thing on our minds.
Healthy Kids Running Series aims to make healthiness a sustainable habit through a running series held during spring and fall. School children between preschool and eighth grade are invited to attend and get outside.
There are four different races, staggered to test differences in endurance levels. Preschoolers race along a 50-yard dash, while kindergartners and first graders run a quarter mile. For second and third graders, their race is a half-mile long; fourth grade and above get to tackle the big mile race! All races are timed, with results uploaded to the national Healthy Kids Running Series website weekly.

For the original piece, go to Northern Neck News!

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