The Chipotle method

Find that you’re running short on time and eating the same stuff over and over? Sick of having to think about what you’re going to fee your family week in and week out? Try out the Chipotle method! Use the chart below to put together a new menu.

You can even streamline your week a bit more by working on the following prep list:

Sunday- Cook off your grains, beans, etc.  Dice and slice your veggies.  Package everything separately so that you can see what you are running out of throughout the week and can re-fill as necessary

  • Monday- Chipotle method
  • Tuesday- Try a new recipe
  • Wednesday- Chipotle method
  • Thursday – Leftovers from Tuesday
  • Friday- eat out or take out
  • Saturday- finish up items from the week

Check out the handy-dandy graphic below to get familiar with this super convenient way to feed your family!


Graphic courtesy of www.dontlosethecow/com

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