Buying the perfect running shoe is the first step in having a good run. When purchasing the perfect shoe, fit is always the most important. If your shoe is too tight, you may have blisters, numbness and general discomfort; to avoid this, many experts recommend buying a running shoe half a size larger.
According to Runner’s World, “You may think you know your size, but it’s best to get your feet measured each time you buy new shoes.You also want to have your feet measured later in the day, when they’re at their biggest. Your feet change over time, and one model’s fit can be drastically different from another’s.” There are many other reasons one’s feet change over time like pregnancy, falling arches and even weather.
Christine Luff from verywell.com recommends going up half a shoe size because one’s feet swell when they run and it is important to have plenty of room in the toebox. If one’s toes are crammed in the front of the running shoe, you could develop blisters or black toenails.
According to Runner’s World, “The extra room allows your foot to flex and your toes to move forward with each stride. When you’re standing with both shoes on, make sure you have at least a thumbnail’s space between the tip of the shoe and the end of your longest toe. Try shoes on both feet and take them for a test run around the shop, on a treadmill, or on the sidewalk.”
So before buying a new pair of shoes remember to have your feet measured every time and later in the day. And when buying your next pair, trying going up half a size to keep your run and stride strong.
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