Asher is 4.5 years old and participates in HKRS – New Braunfels, TX Challenger Division. Asher was born early at 29 weeks and spent his first three months of life in the NICU, including emergency heart surgery at three weeks old.
When Asher was almost two he was not walking independently and was ultimately diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. He is now thriving but uses either a wheelchair or gait trainer to get around.
Asher’s mom said “We feel very strongly that Asher should have the access and opportunity to participate in things if he wants to. Most youth sports are not inclusive and we are so thankful for this program!”
Asher was joined on race day by John Zavala, disability advocate and adaptive tennis player. John got connected to HKRS through Two Rivers Running, a sponsor of the New Braunfels Series. John joined the race to serve as the “Rabbit” for the Challenger Division race, leading the way and having the kids chase him across the finish line.
“Disability representation is so important” noted John, “and seeing their faces light up is what makes being an amputee worth it!”
The HKRS Challenger Division is an adaptive race for children with disabilities and/or special needs. This allows for parents, siblings, and friends to be on the course with runners to provide support as well as allow runners to use their own supportive devices such as crutches, braces, and wheelchairs, that are safe on grass. HKRS is committed to providing kids like Asher the opportunity to participate alongside their peers.