October 31

Heat times may vary

Register for the Monster Mayhem 5k and Monster Mile at The Bates Motel!


How to save a smoothie

Ever wanted to make smoothies in a batch for a group or just wanted to make smaller portions for your kiddos? Never fear! We have some great tips to get you going. For storing some in the fridge for later… Make a double batch.  If you’re not going to be drinking it within 24 hours, […] >> READ MORE

Grow you own veggies – indoors!!

Getting kids to eat their veggies can be quite experience, but if you let your kids help to grow them, they might be more inclined to give them a try! The good people at BuzzFeed.com have some awesome tips of how to grow potatoes and lettuce from leftover scraps.  Spring is the perfect time for […] >> READ MORE

Pizza Redux!

Our contributing partner, OnPoint Nutrition, comes up with some awesome recipe adaptations to make everyone’s favorites a little more health conscious and one of our new favorites is their recent addition, a pizza redux! OnPoint has swapped out some of the regular ingredients like white flour.  Try out this super-easy recipe instead of take out […] >> READ MORE

Nutrition for little athletes

All food is made up of calories, but there are huge differences between how those calories are burned and the actual nutritional benefit of  certain foods.  For example, 500 calories worth of cake with sugary icing burns far differently than 500 calories of salad.  Caloric density is very important, especially when planning meals and snacks […] >> READ MORE

Snacks for little athletes

How many times a day can a child possibly utter the phrase “Mom, I’m hungry!”? My children can do it approximately 3,482 times before my head starts to explode a little.  This is especially true on our ‘sports days’ (a.k.a. practice, HKRS race days, soccer games, basketball games, or pretty much any day in general).  […] >> READ MORE
Healthy Families, Nutrition

Healthy holiday baking

Holidays are the time for baking! In our family we don’t always have desserts or sweets laying around, but at the holidays we bake tons and tons of cookies and pastries for various office and school parties and to give as gifts.  One way we stick with our traditions while still keeping our family healthy […] >> READ MORE

Meatless Monday- All Day Veggie Soup

Now that the weather is getting colder, it’s time to start looking ahead to soup season.  One of my family’s favorites is super easy veggie stew in the crock pot.  We all have different tastes, so this is an easy way to make sure that the kids are eating their veggies but you can also […] >> READ MORE

Break the sugar cycle

The holidays are a wonderful time of year, but they can wreak havoc on your family’s healthy diet habits that you have worked so hard to establish.  Cravings for sugary sweets only seem to multiply with the more you consume.  Ever tried to eat a single piece of chocolate or cookie? Yeah, that’s not really […] >> READ MORE

When to go organic

Of course you only want to give your family the best, however, there are a few ways to save some cash on your groceries when considering going organic.  Organic farming in general features cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers are […] >> READ MORE

The Chipotle method

Find that you’re running short on time and eating the same stuff over and over? Sick of having to think about what you’re going to fee your family week in and week out? Try out the Chipotle method! Use the chart below to put together a new menu. You can even streamline your week a […] >> READ MORE
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