October 31

Heat times may vary

Register for the Monster Mayhem 5k and Monster Mile at The Bates Motel!

Healthy Families, Kids Health

Egg Muffins

Everyone hates Mondays.  Back to school, back to work, ugh.  Especially cold, dark Mondays.  One little way to make your Monday morning a little better is with a warm, healthy breakfast.  A super easy breakfast that you can whip up in a few minutes is an omelet in a cup! This recipe can be made […] >> READ MORE

Real food for real families

Every family I know tends to struggle with mealtime.  Weather it’s finding time to actually sit down together, or menu planning, it can be a real issue.  One of our new year’s resolutions has been to do a better job of meal planning and execution so we aren’t relying on pulling something from the freezer […] >> READ MORE
Healthy Families, Kids Health

Taming of the ‘fu

Say tofu to pretty much anyone and they will most likely have one of two reactions-‘I had it once and it was great’ OR ‘Gross’.  When tofu is good, its really good.  Tofu has a tendency to absorb whatever flavor you add to it, so finding the perfect balance is absolutely key.  I make a […] >> READ MORE
Running Stories & Tips

Don’t skip the stretch!

Stretching can be a pain, but skip it, and you’ll be in for even less of a treat.  We all know that you should stretch after a good warm up session, but what about after? The post workout or run stretch is key for a few reason, so make sure that you take a few […] >> READ MORE

Power exercises

In order to run well, you of course have to run, but there are also series of exercises that can make you even faster.  Plyometrics are a great way to develop the elastic tissue components to maximize efficiency and power. Explosive dynamic moves that incorporate jumping and bounding as well as quick changes in direction […] >> READ MORE
Healthy Families, Kids Health

Cookie Granola

There’s nothing quite like a warm Oatmeal Raisin cookie, but since I try not to have my children eating cookies at breakfast, I made the next best thing- Oatmeal cookie granola! This recipe has tons of variations- feel free to add in a half cup of your favorite nuts like raw almond slivers, or peanuts, […] >> READ MORE
Article, Kids Health, Running

Muscle Strain Rx

More likely than not, if your child is participating in any type of sport they will experience a muscle strain at some point.  Pulls, strains, and tears are just ranges in severity of the same thing and they range from a grade 1 to grade 3.  Grade 1 means the injury hurts but you can […] >> READ MORE
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