As a parent, we only want the best for our kids, but sometimes we have to learn how to take a back seat and give our kids room to grow and to find their own way in life. In order to give our kids the strength they need to succeed there are a few strategies […]
As the weather gets warmer, it seems like we somehow amass reusable water bottles like it’s going out of style. There’s potential that they just multiply overnight in the cupboard. That being said, it’s super important, especially during the warm summer months to clean the bottles since they are constantly being used, warmed, and cooled. […]
It’s common knowledge that regular exercise can help to maintain healthy weight, prevent common diseases, and help to get kids in shape, but did you know that there are many proven long term benefits of getting excited about exercising early? Kids that exercise at least 60 minutes combined per day are more likely to be […]
So, it’s your first Healthy Kids Running Series? Awesome! We are glad to have you! In case you didn’t know, HKRS started in 2009 in West Chester, Pennsylvania as a community outreach program for Pattison Sports Group. The races were so popular, locations began to expand across the country and for this spring season we […]

Everyone hates Mondays. Back to school, back to work, ugh. Especially cold, dark Mondays. One little way to make your Monday morning a little better is with a warm, healthy breakfast. A super easy breakfast that you can whip up in a few minutes is an omelet in a cup! This recipe can be made […]

Say tofu to pretty much anyone and they will most likely have one of two reactions-‘I had it once and it was great’ OR ‘Gross’. When tofu is good, its really good. Tofu has a tendency to absorb whatever flavor you add to it, so finding the perfect balance is absolutely key. I make a […]

When you think of February you might picture Valentines, the color red, and of course, hearts! But, it’s also time to think about your actual heart as well! Every year, 1 in 4 deaths is attributed to heart disease, so it’s easy to see why it’s so important to be aware of ways to make […]

There’s nothing quite like a warm Oatmeal Raisin cookie, but since I try not to have my children eating cookies at breakfast, I made the next best thing- Oatmeal cookie granola! This recipe has tons of variations- feel free to add in a half cup of your favorite nuts like raw almond slivers, or peanuts, […]

More likely than not, if your child is participating in any type of sport they will experience a muscle strain at some point. Pulls, strains, and tears are just ranges in severity of the same thing and they range from a grade 1 to grade 3. Grade 1 means the injury hurts but you can […]

So, how are your resolutions sticking with 3 weeks into the new year? Still have them rolling along? Great! Need to get back on track a bit? No problem- the year is still young…here are a few tried and true strategies to get back to the plan you had a few weeks ago. Write it […]