October 31

Heat times may vary

Register for the Monster Mayhem 5k and Monster Mile at The Bates Motel!

Kids Health

Our 2018 National Kickoff has Arrived!

Can you believe we are in our 9th year of the Healthy Kids Running Series? Things have truly flown by from 2009 when this was just one town and a couple of people.  We are now nationwide and quickly approaching 50,000 runners. Just as a little fact: our most participants in a season all time […] >> READ MORE

How Will Your Kids Fall in Love with Running?

The truth is, you cannot make anyone fall in love with anything…or anyone. Sure, extrinsic motivations in the form of medals, t-shirts and other goodies can help to spur excitement, but what is going to make your kids want more out of running, or physical activity, or the outdoors for the rest of their lives? […] >> READ MORE

Tips from OnPoint Nutrition- Coconut: Friend or Foe?

-written by Emily Pierce RD, LDN at OnPoint Nutrition Coconut oil stormed onto the scene as a cure all, go-to, kitchen miracle. It quickly gained a fan base touting its numerous health and weight loss benefits.  These claims got a lot of nutrition professionals scratching their heads, as coconut is one of the only plant based […] >> READ MORE
Healthy Kids Spotlight

Lucas- A Healthy Kids Spotlight!

Healthy Kids Running Series is all about having fun with the entire family.  This could not be more true for this week’s spotlight, Lucas, and his family. Check out Lucas (in the Orange) competing against all of his friends at the Miami Series last year: The entire family has been long time participants in the […] >> READ MORE
Healthy Kids Spotlight

Trevor- Healthy Kids Spotlight

This week, our spotlight is shining on Trevor, a 1/2 Miler who first began competing in the Mullica Hill Series at the 50 Yard Dash distance. Trevor’s Mother, Dana, describes him as somewhat of an ‘Energizer Bunny,’ always on the go. If it were possible for Trevor to be outside for every waking moment, he […] >> READ MORE
Healthy Kids Spotlight

Ella- Healthy Kids Spotlight

Maybe the most beautiful part of the Healthy Kids Running Series is that there is a place for everyone at our races.  No matter your size, your speed, your athletic ability, or your competitive spirit, everyone fits right in.  It is not a popularity contest; it is not ‘win at all costs.’ Healthy Kids is […] >> READ MORE
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