The nutritional needs of growing athletes can be a bit confusing for parents, especially when they seem to be eating basically everything in sight. Here’s a quick guide: 2-3 servings of lean meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs (one serving is 3 ounces) 3-4 servings of milk, yogurt or cheese (one serving is 1 cup […]
Fall is in full force by now, so it’s time to start thinking about what kinds of seasonal fruits and veggies you should be enjoying as the days get a little shorter. While it’s great that you can still get strawberries in December, there are other awesome fruits like oranges and grapefruit that you can […]
Elliott is one of our runners from HKRS Chandler. Ellen Tadman, Chandler’s Coordinator, recommended that we feature him as our Runner Spotlight because week in and week out, he has a great attitude and never gives up. During one race he fell, but still finished in second place while having a little dirt snack and bloody knee. […]
Despite the dipping temperatures, it is still super-important to make sure that your children are properly hydrated throughout their day. Athletic endeavors are not only important times to monitor hydration, illness and daily activities are also important times to monitor your kids. When bodies are warm, they perspire to cool down, but in colder temps, […]
Of course you only want to give your family the best, however, there are a few ways to save some cash on your groceries when considering going organic. Organic farming in general features cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers are […]
One of the goals of the Healthy Kids Running Series is to give back through community outreach. In the past year, our national office staff decided that one way we could support our international community of children was to adopt a child through the World Vision program. This particular international program aims to provide children […]
As a parent, it can sometimes be really difficult to separate your expectations as an adult from the expectations that you should have for your kids. Have you ever found yourself yelling at a referee at an elementary school soccer game? Yup. We all have, it’s not just you. Being mom and dad doesn’t mean […]
If you have been keeping an eye on healthy food trends in the last year or so, you may have noticed mention of chia seeds. But what the heck are they and why bother to add them into your diet? Chia seeds are small black seeds that are produced in South America and were one […]
Brandy Cowell is the Community Coordinator for our record number breaking Pinehurst, NC series. Brandy’s first experience with HKRS was in New York where her sons participated in a local series together. The boys loved having an activity that they could participate in together. As fate would have it, Brandy’s family moved to Pinehurst, […]
Running can be one of the cheapest sports that your kids can participate in, but you will still need to be prepared to purchase proper running shoes for your kiddos. They might be try to convince you that lights and glitter will make them run faster, but here are a few tips to help you […]