Bart Yasso the “mayor of running” is Runner’s World Magazine’s Chief Running Officer. He’s one of a few people to have completed races on all seven continents-including the Mount Kilimanjaro marathon. He’s the winner of the 1987 U.S. National Biathlon Long Course Championship. Among marathon trainers, he’s known for his Yasso 800 track workout believed to be […]

June is the perfect time of the year for local fruit! Blueberries and strawberries are finally in season and what better way to make use of them than a frozen summer snack- frozen yogurt and fruit bark! This super easy recipe is only a few ingredients and takes just a couple of minutes to whip […]

Peter Kantzilieris is our Community Coordinator from our Paramus, NJ Series and we are very excited to take the opportunity to introduce him to the national HKRS family! Peter decided to become a Coordinator because he wanted to help kids in his community lead a healthy life. Peter directly has seen the positive impacts of […]

More likely than not, if your child is participating in any type of sport they will experience a muscle strain at some point. Pulls, strains, and tears are just ranges in severity of the same thing and they range from a grade 1 to grade 3. Grade 1 means the injury hurts but you can […]

So, how are your resolutions sticking with 3 weeks into the new year? Still have them rolling along? Great! Need to get back on track a bit? No problem- the year is still young…here are a few tried and true strategies to get back to the plan you had a few weeks ago. Write it […]

At one time or another a large percentage of middle and high school athletes experience a heart breaking and season ending stress fracture. Long distance runners in particular tend to experience stress fractures due to the constant pounding of the pavement. While it simply might just come with the territory, runners can make a few […]

Healthy Kids Running Series is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We heavily rely on both registration fees and business sponsors to supply our organization with the necessary income to allow us to provide new coordinators with all of the necessities to bring a race to their town, travel to new locations to map courses, and provide every […]
Go into any gas station or grocery store and all of the zillions of bottles of liquids in all colors of the rainbow can make if very difficult to figure what is the good stuff and what should be avoided. One tip when trying to decide on a ‘healthy’ drink to give your kids is […]

We all know that after an exercise session you feel great (for the most part…) but what about kids? Hundreds of studies have shown that exercise can make kids happier in the long run, but can it make them smarter too? Science tends to suggest so… In study that was featured in the NY Times, […]

Side stitches are a huge pain, literally and figuratively. In the most general terms, stitches are just a cramping-like pain that typically occurs under the lower ribs. Mostly, this will be localized pain on one side or the other, but depending on severity it can feel like the entire abdomen is a giant ball of […]